Unique information portal for small and medium-size enterprises launched in Tatarstan


A unique Internet resource, Information portal for small and medium-size enterprises has been launched in Tatarstan.

Minister of Economy of the republic Artem Zdunov and Director General of the Agency for state order, investment activity and interregional relations of the Republic of Tatarstan Yakov Geller presented the new information portal at a briefing at Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers.

Geller noted that the government can support business by providing direct benefits and preferences or access to state procurement. The implemented project is supposed to use the second way.

“The Department of entrepreneurial development of Tatarstan Ministry of Economy constantly faces the same problem – lack of information. Even the president admitted that the situation needs to be changed. Today we are presenting the tool to change the situation,” Geller said.

The new information portal will connect other functioning resources (websites) and small and medium-size enterprises. Small and medium-size businesses should register on the portal and become its residents. Afterwards, they will be able to use information about state procurements they need and receive latest news by e-mail. The first stage of project implementation cost 5-7 mln roubles. It is available on the website http://smb.tattis.ru/

15 residents have already registered on the portal.
IA "Tatar-Inform"