More than half of appeals processed in “Public control” system from the beginning of the year
On July 15, at a briefing at Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers, Head of the Division for coordination of interaction of users of State Information System “Public control” Rustem Nizamiev told that for the first six months of 2014 11, 431 resolutions were published in State Information System “Public control”.
Rustem Nizamiev noted that the service aimed at solving urgent problems of citizens has worked since 2012. The results of first six months are good, and the number of appeals increases every month. The number of motivated refusals is decreasing. Municipalities are responsible for resolving the appeals.
Rustem Nizamiev said that main criteria of assessment of the system work are timely consideration of appeals and passing of resolutions. He also informed about approval of new regional programmes on development of yard territories, construction of village roads, and lighting of village streets.
Rustem Nizamiev also told that work on development of yard territories in Kazan is underway.
“Unfortunately, resolutions by some requests that can be solved in 10 days take several months and even years. This year more than 1400 appeals were sent for further processing,” the speaker said.
IA "Tatar-Inform"