On 5 March participants of a meeting of Tatarstan Security Council held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov with participation of the Chairman of the State Council of the republic Farid Mukhametshin, the First Deputy Prime Minister of the republic Rustam Nigmatullin and head of regional ministries, directorates, cities and regions, discussed measures on prevention the hazard of hostile drones attavkes, ensuring an efficient population attack warning system and organization of safe shelters for the population in case of emergency.
Rustam Minnikhanov gave an errand once again to examine all facilities that can be used as shelters and to ensure free access to them in case of drone attacks. The Rais of the republic emphasized that it is necessary to make these shelters comfortably equipped for people to stay there (benches, seats and enough drinking water). This should be done step by step under supervision of the regional Emergencies Ministry, he said.
The Head of the Chief Directorate of Russian Emergencies Ministry for Tatarstan Irek Kadamov informed participants of the meeting about work done to inform the population about locations of shelters and reminded that keys to them must be kept in the managing organizations, dispatch service, at the yard-keeper or with residents of the closest apartments.
After the meeting was told about the attack warning system through the Tattelecom IP intercom systems-launched in the town of Yelabuga recently, Rustam Minnikhanov gave an errand to use this experience in other large cities of the republic.
The Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin reported about having studied the practice used in Belgorod to protect the population from drone attacks and said that the capital of the republic is going to use it in its work.