On 15 January, speaking at a briefing in the Government house of the republic dedicated to implementation of national projects in Tatarstan, the Minister of Economy of the republic Midkhat Shagiakhmetov informed about main achievements of the republic in 2019-2024 and said that more than 228bn rubles has been allocated on implementation of the national projects in the republic for the last six years.
He said that the aim of national projects was to improve the life quality of residents and the development of the regional infrastructure and 160bn rubles out of 228bn came from the federal and the remaining 68bn from the regional budgets.
The development of infrastructure and improvement work resulted in construction and repairs of more than 7 thousand kilometers of roads, improvement of 353 parks and gardens, construction of 87 educational facilities and 27 schools for more than 25 thousand kids as well as construction and overhaul of more than 70 cultural facilities, including theatres, museums and libraries, the Minister told.
Midkhat Shagialhmentov also informed that more than 316bn rubles was allocated on 179 thousand measures to support SMEs in the republic and told about financial support of families with children and the introduction of a system of long-term care for the elderly.
The regional Minister also said that in the nearest three year it is planned to allocate 160bn rubles on implementation of new national projects in the spheres of capital construction and road economy, healthcare, improvement of public spaces and digitalization of educational medical institutions and public services, which started in the republic in January 2025.
He also informed about such ways of supporting the entrepreneurship as micro loans, leasing, suretyships and concessional lending.
He said that all these initiatives are focused on the development of comfortable and safe environment for life, improvement of transport infrastructure, support of families and improvement of health of residents as Tatarstan remains among the leading regions in implementation of national projects of Russia, working for the development of favourable environment both for residents and business.