Rustam Nigmatullin at a commission on prevention and mitigation of emergencies and ensuring fire safety in Tatarstan: New Year holidays are one of the tense and most dangerous periods


On 20 December at a meeting of the Commission on prevention and mitigation of emergencies and ensuring fire safety in Tatarstan held in the Government House of the republic with all municipalities taking part in it via video conference, the First Deputy Prime Minister of the republic Rustam Nigmatullin said that the today’s meeting is to discuss ensuring fire safety during New Year and Christmas holidays and children’s winter holidays.

He emphasized that New Year holidays are one of the tense and most dangerous periods as the risk of various accidents grows substantially. “Many people forget about fire safety regulations and leave electric house appliance without attention and launch fireworks in wrong places. The New Year is the most fire hazardous holiday,” he said and reminded cases of fires and firework accidents which caused death and traumas in the republic during the holidays in January of the current year.

The Head of the Directorate of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Tatarstan Sergey Zakharov told participants of the meeting about weather forecast during the winter holidays and the Head of the Directorate of Surveillance and Preventive work of the Chief Directorate of Russian Emergencies Ministry for Tatarstan Maksim Truschin reported about fire safety measures at facilities for holding New Year events and use of fireworks.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Elena Britvina.