Congratulations from Leyla Fazleeva on Mother’s Day


Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Leyla Fazleeva congratulated on Mother’s Day.

“Dear mothers! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother’s Day! Mother is the closest and dearest person. She teaches us kindness, surrounds us with care, warmth and tenderness. Mother’s love and support inspire us, help us overcome the most difficult obstacles in life. Mother is a symbol of eternal values, wisdom and spiritual generosity. Mother is the keeper of the hearth, the stronghold of family traditions, a reliable support and rear.

Special gratitude on the holiday to all mothers whose sons are fighting for a peaceful future, integrity and security of our great country. A low bow to you!

Dear mothers, thank you for your tireless maternal work, for your gentle hands and kind hearts!

I wish you health, longevity, prosperity, love and joy!”

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan.