Rustam Minnikhanov gives a number of errands at a meeting in Tatarstan Government House


On 13 July at a regular meeting in the Government House of the republic held with all municipalities taking part in it via videoconference, the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov gave a number of errands.

Thus he informed that the hot weather resulted in the increased water consumption and problems with water supply and said that in June only there were 1 833 complaints from residents of the republic related to these issues.

“In their complaints residents inform about frequent water supply interruptions and low pressure, slow work of emergency teams as well as about problems with water deliveries and long-term water supply cut off. I ask the heads of municipalities to take under their personal control all cases of utilities interruption, monitor their timely repairs and quickly inform residents about taken measures and the duration of repair work,” Rustam Minnikhanov said and reminded that during the long-term water supply interruption there should be centralized tanking of water.

The Rais of the republic also gave an errand to the regional Ministry of Construction to include all faulty parts of water main to the state progamme for coming years and said it is also important to install water meters and prevent illegal tapping.

Rustam Minnikhanov reminded participants of the meeting about a crash of Cessna 172 plane, which killed three people, including one child, on 10 July near Kamskoye Ustye Settlement and said: “Now it has become known that there was no a proper flights permission and the pilot did not follow any flight regulations. I have given an errand to check all bush planes and organization of their flights. All should follow strict aviation regulations.”

At the same time, he added nobody is against such flights but everything should be organized properly.

The Rais of Tatarstan also informed about the traditional holiday of Kryashen culture – Pitrau to be held in Mamadysh region and gave an errand to ensure safety of the big number of its participants  - about 50 thousand people are expected to come - at the holiday sites and to monitor catering services.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Elena Britvina.