Readiness to coming grain harvest and forage conservation discussed in Tatarstan Government House


On 13 July, speaking at a regular meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov with participation of the regional First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin and all municipalities taking part in it via videoconference, the regional First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Lenar Garipov reported about situation with the crops, readiness of harvesting complex and forage conservation work.

He said that the hot weather in the last two weeks quickens grain ripening and according to the monitoring results the winter crops are nearly ready. The grain should be harvested on the area of 1.3m hectares, oilseeds – on 482 thousand hectares, sugar beet – 55 thousand hectares and potatoes and vegetables – 6 300 hectares in the republic, Lenar Garipov informed.

He said that 387 drying units and 44 elevators in the farms are ready for work and there are also storage facilities for 2.2 m tonnes of grain.

The regional Deputy Minister said that 3 366 grain harvesters will be used during harvest campaign in the current year, and as they tend to wear, farms purchased 50 new harvesters this year by “Profitable Summer” program provided by the Rosagroleasing Company.

He also reported that the primary hay-crop has been fulfilled by 99 per cent.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Elena Britvina. Using information from Tatarstan Ministry of Agriculture.