Rustam Nigmatullin introduces new Head to the staff of Tatarstan Ministry of Land and Property Relations


On 19 June Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nugmatullin introduced the new Head Azat Kadyrov, who previously was the Russian First Deputy Minister of Sports, to the staff of Tatarstan Ministry of Land and Property Relations.

By the decree of the Rais of the republic, Fanil Agliullin, who was the Head of the Ministry since 2019, has been appointed the acting Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan responsible for reconstruction of sponsored cities of Lisichansk and Rubezhnoye. 

Speaking at the meeting with the Ministry staff, Rustam Nigmatullin said that Fanil Agliullin has built an efficient and coordinated system of management of property of the republic and established interaction with municipalities and territorial federal executive power bodies in the republic. “You priceless contribution into this work is evident and is worth of gratitude. I am sure that your experience and strategic vision will help you to continue making a substantial contribution into the development of our Motherland,” he said. 

Since 2009 Azat Kadyrov worked as the Deputy Director of the Directorate for Sports and Social Porjects, having become its Director in 2013. In 2020 he was appointed the Russian First Deputy Minister of Sports.

Rustam Nigmatullin said that toady the Ministry has many tasks to solve and concluded: “The most important task is to ensure efficient use of the whole property complex of the republic. We wish Azat success and high achievements at his new responsible position!”

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Bulat Nizameev.