Rustam Minnikhanov about the UAS bagged over Tatarstan: It is extremely important that AD systems are deployed and they showed good results


On 20 April, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic, the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov said that safety of residents is a priority tasks. He also gave his comments about the situation on 17 April, when the enemy UAS attacked industrial facilities in the republic.

“The unmanned aircraft was destroyed by AD systems on guard above our republic. The most important is that there were no destructions and injured,” he said.

Rustam Minnikhanov emphasized that it is extremely important that AD systems are deployed and they showed good results and called heads of municipalities and enterprises “to provide all safety measures in case of the corresponding alarm and to raise awareness of the work tams and population about their actions during the alarm”.

He also reminded about information on location of air attack shelters and gave an errand to provide compliance of order in emergency situations.

“Issues of ensuring safety are especially important taking into the consideration celebration of the Victory Day. Heads of municipalities together with the corresponding services and bodies should consider all anti-terrorist safety requirements,” Rustam Minnikhanov and added: “Safety of people is our priority task and we should take all necessary measures to nip in the bud any efforts to destabilize the situation.”

“We should all be vigilant. The situation is under control and we should not inflame bu t be more attentive,” he said.

“As for protection of facilities in the region, we are very grateful to the Russian Defense Ministry and the Government  as our request was considered and we have a reliable protection system. But we should be very vigilant ourselves too,” the Rais of the republic said».

He also reminded that when the UAS was flying above the region, a lot of people saw it and informed corresponding services.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Elena Britvina.