Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in the round table “Investments into the FES: the role of interstate and regional cooperation”


On 3 April the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Russian Deputy Minister of Energy Pavel Snikkars, Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Mikhail Ivanov,  Deputy Minister of Energy of Belarus Denis Moroz, Kyrgyzstan Deputy Minister of Energy Talaibek Baigaziev and Uzbekistan First Deputy Minister of Energy - Director of the Nuclear Energy Development Agency (Uzatom) Azim Akhmedkhadjaev and the Director for Strategic Projects of the Eurasian Development Bank Viktor Lebedev took part in a round table meeting dedicated to the topic “Investments into the FES: the role of interstate and regional cooperation” and held within the programme of the Tatarstan International Forum in Power Economy and Energy Efficiency at the Kazan Expo Exhibition Center .
In his welcoming speech Rustam Minnikhabov thanked for choosing the republic as a venue for the round table and stated that Tatarstan is one of dynamic regions of Russia with industry share in the economy making 47.1 per cent. The republic implements large scale investments projects and launches new productions every year, he said and emphasized: “The key for their successful implementation is the reliable energy supply system.”
The Rais of the republic told that under sanction a number of investments projects have been put on hold and equipment deliveries dropped down. “At the same time import replacement has become for us not only a challenge but also a growth point. Today about 20 local companies, including 15 large ones, manufacture electrical products such as cables for all voltage levels, the initial high class equipment, smart energy meters,” he said.
Introduction of new technologies aims at decreasing power losses and raising the equipment energy efficiency and power supply reliability, Rustam Minnikhanov said and clarified: “It is in Tatarstan that the first digital substation without any staff was built in Russia. Today we have two such substations mounted from domestic equipment which have proved their reliability. I would like to emphasize that our Grid Company was the first in Russia to master working under high voltage method and currently it is training specialists from other regions”.
Having said that today Tatarstan has the developed industrial potential, necessary scientific base and well organized system of training highly qualified specialists, Rustam Minnikhanov said that the republic is ready for cooperation and exchange of experience in various spheres of economy including the power industry.
In conclusion of his speech, the Rais of the republic wished participants of the round table successful and fruitful work.
Then the Governor of Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev, who is the Chairman of the State Council Commission in Power economy, made and entry about  interstate and regional cooperation in power economy in modern conditions.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan, Elena Britvina.