On 15 August, speaking at a briefing in the Tatarstan Government House, the regional Minister of Youth Affairs Rinat Sadykov informed that nearly 3 thousand young Tatarstan families have bought residential due to the state support measures from 2018. He told that there are four programs being implemented in the republic under the auspices of the Ministry, namely the provision of young families with housing, the Young Family, the Youth Housing Competition and the law of the state support of young families for accommodation improvement.
He emphasized that in addition to nearly 690m rubles allocated on these programs there are inquiries from young scientists for new mechanisms of purchasing accommodation which are being worked out by all relevant ministries.
Rinat Sadykov also told in detail about each measure of support provided by the ministry such as subsidies to young families for buying accommodation, the reduced mortgage for young families and the social mortgage competition for leaders of the youth policy.
He informed about the interest-free instalment plan accessible for young families who want to improve their accommodation and in conclusion told about programmes of improvement of young families accommodation being implemented by other ministries such as the programme of comprehensive development of rural territories under the auspices of the Ministry of the Agriculture of the republic and a grant of 800 thousand ruble allocated to medical workers who move to the village which is issued by the Rural Doctor programme under the auspices of the regional Healthcare Ministry.