On 11 May the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on city-building issues in historical settlements with the Aid to the Rais Olesya Baltusova, the Mayor of Kazan Olsur Metshin, permanent members of the commission , the administration of departments and members of the architectural community taking part in it.
The Kazan Chief Architect Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina informed participants of the meeting about 18 new construction sites in the historical settlement of Kazan and Rustam Minnikhanov emphasized that the projects to be approved should provide integrity of the cultural heritage sites without deteriorating the existing layout of the territory. One of the main requirements to new construction in the historical center of Kazan is observation of the number of storeys and provision of transport logistics, he said.
After presentations of construction of two individual houses in the town-island of Sviyazhsk and the children’s art school in Buinsk, the expert of the Institute for the City Development Svetlana Persova told Rustam Minnikhanov about development of typical plans for construction of individual houses in the historical settlement of Kazan and the procedure of getting the construction permit. “Implementation of the typical plans mechanism will foster recovery of losses in the historical development and increase the quality of the environment in the historical part of the city,” Svetlana Persova added.