A briefing about the capital overhaul of multi-apartment houses in the region held in the Tatarstan Government House


On 10 May at a briefing about the capital overhaul of multi-apartment houses in the region held in the Government House of the republic, the Director General of the Tatarstan Fund of Housing and Utilities Sector Ayrat Abuzyarov informed that according to the capital overhaul programme, home elevators will be replaced in 96 multi-apartment houses of Tatarstan in 2023.

Deputy Head of the Kazan Executive Committee Iskander Giniyatullin told at the briefing that 30 per cent of the capital overhaul of houses in the city has already been completed, with 19 houses having simultaneously improvement of their yards. Giving the details of the work to be done, he said that it will include roofs, facades, heating systems, cold and hot water supply network and sewage and electricity supply and it is planned to have all the work completed by 1 November of the current year.

After Iskander Giniyatullin informed about refurbishment to be done on stairways, Tatarstan Minister of Construction, Architecture and Utilities Sector Marat Ayzatullin added that last year the Russian Government issued a decree according to which refurbishment of communal hallways was included as an additional kind of work done by the capital refurbishment programme and which came into force from 1 March of the current year.

Ayzatullin also reminded that the minimum amount of the capital overhaul deposit has grown up to 6.95 roubles per square meter of the apartment a month.

Ayrat Abuzyarov also informed journalists about the implementation of the capital overhaul of multi-apartment houses in various regions of the republic.

Earlier the mass media reported that 751 multi-apartment houses have been included into 6.7bn rubles capital overhaul programme of the republic in 2023.

Using materials from the Tatar-Inform Information Agency.