Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin congratulates residents of the republic with the Cosmonautics Day


On 12 April, in his congratulatory address to residents of the republic with the Cosmonautics Day, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksy Pesoshin said: “On behalf of the Government of the republic and me personally I congratulate you with this event. This day reminds about huge scientific and technological breakthrough made due to work and courage of cosmonauts, talent and mastery of scientists and all employees of the aerospace branch.

Today the role of aerospace research keeps growing as space vehicles are used for organizing communication systems, navigation, TV and studies of the Earth weather and natural resources.

At their time space technologies got a substantial development in Tatarstan. Such great engineers as Glushko and Korolev developed blueprints of rocket engines here in Kazan. In addition there are plants manufacturing important space rocket units located in the capital of the republic.”

In conclusion Aleksey Pesoshin wished everyone good health, happiness, peace and prosperity and technical developments and scientific feats.

The Press Office of the Rais of Tatarstan.