Rustam Nigmatullin pays a working visit to Chistopol municipal region


On February 14, Acting Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin paid a working visit to Chistopol municipal region of the republic to take part in the meeting of the Council of the region on the result of its work in 2022 and tasks for 2023.

Before the meeting, Nigmatullin accompanied by the Head of Chistopol municipal region Dmitry Ivanov visited Betar production and commercial company, where got acquainted with the activity of the plastic goods shop, tool manufacturing center, equipment development and production center and looked around the main building - measuring workshop.

Ivanov made a keynote report and said that gross territorial product (GTP) in 2022 is estimated at 37.9 billion roubles with a growth rate of 126.7 per cent. Investments in the region's economy are estimated at 4.1 billion roubles. Significant growth is recorded in shipped products, the region's enterprises shipped products in the amount of 33 billion roubles with the growth rate making 154.6 per cent. The industrial production index for 2022 amounted to 111 per cent.

The Head of the Chistopol municipal region focused on the implementation of regional and federal programmes.

Ivanov reminded that since 2018 Chistopol has had the status of Priority Social and Economic Development Area. “Due to this, we have been able to increase the industrial potential. Twenty-five enterprises became residents of the Priority Area and created 1,309 jobs. The plan to create new jobs was implemented by 90 percent - this is one of the important indicators for the development of the monocity, in 2023 we plan to implement 100 percent by attracting new residents and expanding existing projects”, he said.

Speaking at the meeting, Nigmatullin emphasized that due to the potential of the economy and timely adopted federal support measures, Tatarstan maintained a positive development trend last year. The gross regional product (GRP) increased by 106 per cent by 2021, the volume of industrial production exceeded 4.6 trillion roubles (an increase of 106.6 per cent), agricultural products were produced for 333.5 billion roubles with the growth 125.6 per cent by 2021, investments in the economy amounted to 850 billion roubles with an increase of 105.5 per cent compared to last year.

Acting Prime Minister also reported that in 2022 according to the volume of Gross Domestic Product Chistopol region ranks seventeenth among the municipalities of the republic. In the structure of the GDP area, over 35 per cent is accounted for industrial enterprises. The basis of industry in the region is formed by enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking, as well as food industry.

“Tourism is a good support for the development of entrepreneurship,” Nigmatullin said.

At the end of the speech, Acting Prime Minister of Tatarstan said that it is important to continue purposefully moving forward. On behalf of Tatarstan Government, he thanked the Chistopol residents for hard work, active participation in public life and handed in state awards of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Tatarstan Rais's Press Office, Elena Britvina.