As many as 17,400 people take part in the final state certification in Tatarstan


On July 19, speaking at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, Tatarstan Minister of Education and Science Ilsur Khadiullin said that 17,452 people, including 16,153 graduates of 2022 took part in the final state certification in Tatarstan.

The Minister said that the number of graduates gaining 200 points in the Unified State Examination has increased in the republic. As many as 14 people achieved such results in two subjects, in 2021 there were 11 of them. “All of them were awarded the medal “For special achievements in learning”. Today, graduates of Tatarstan schools have 218 hundred-point results,” Khadiullin said.

The minister also named schools with the highest USE results and educational organizations, in which a high proportion of graduates who did not overcome the minimum threshold for exams.

A number of other indicators were discussed at the briefing. 

Tatar-Inform Information Agency