Aleksey Pesoshin has held a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Grid Company


On 30 June at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Grid Company held in the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin was unanimously reelected the Chairman of the Board and Director General of the Company Ilshat Fardiyev was reelected as the Deputy Chairman.

At its meeting the Board discussed issues of reliability of power supply to consumers connected to the Company’s electricity network, the results of its industrial and financial-economic work and implementation of the capital construction plan of the Company during the first three months of 2022.

The Board noted the positive dynamics of decreasing both emergency and planned supply cutoffs, with the average decrease of emergency SAIDI by 2.8 times and SAIFI – by 2.6 times from 2020 to 2022. The positive result was due to Company’s implementation of digital innovative solutions and technologies.

According to the outcomes of the first three months of 2022 the amount of electricity supply services made 7 187.5m kWh which was by5.5 per cent more than during the same period last year. Tatarstan showed the largest growth of energy consumption among the Volga regions which grew by 6 per cent compared to the same period last year. The Company fulfilled 4 957 out of 5 183 signed contracts for connection of consumers, the main share of them being concessionary applicants, including physical entities, representatives of small business and non-commercial organizations.

The amount of funds assimilated in the first three months of the current year has made 3 203m Roubles (without VAT). Considerable amount of capital investments was used for construction and reconstruction of high voltage feeding centers and distribution grids with the voltage class of 0.4-6(10) kW. The lengths of built power transmission lines reached 119 kilometers, 6 MW transformer capacities have been commissioned, and 4 841 grid facilities have been brought into operation, the Board was informed.

The Grid Company Press Service