Tatarstan Minister of Economy Midkhat Shagiakhmetov reports on measures ensuring sustainable development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan


On June 4, speaking at a regional videoconference in the Government House of the republic held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, Deputy Prime Minister of the republic – Tatarstan Minister of Economy Midkhat Shagiakhmetov reported on measures ensuring sustainable development of the economy of Tatarstan.

He said that the situation in the food market of the republic is stable.

The volume of basic goods in trade networks and distribution centres is sufficient to meet the demand of the population. The food supply of the republic is under constant control of the working group of the Operational Headquarters.

Mobile monitoring of systemically important organizations continues. During the week, 6 enterprises of the republic included in the federal list of backbone organizations were considered. Taking into account the existing measures of state support, specific solutions were developed for each issue.

Among the measures taken to address the issue of purchasing imported products is a programme of preferential credit for import purchases under the approved List of priority products for the import.

During the current week, webinars for heads of backbone enterprises of Tatarstan, subordinate to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the republic on participation in the Regional Marketing Centre were held. More than 180 backbone organizations took part in the work, and 65 new systemically important enterprises registered in the Centre after it.

Shagiakhmetov also briefed on the implementation of national projects. To date, a limit of 32.7 billion roubles has been set for the implementation of measures of national projects in Tatarstan. In May, 3 billion roubles were allocated under the Safe and Quality Roads national project and 284 million roubles under the Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project.

The minister emphasized that in the current conditions, it is important to promote efficiency of the implementation of all planned activities. Lack of concluded contracts slows down the flow of federal funds to the regional budget.

Tatarstan President's Press Office, Bulat Nizameev.