Marat Zyabbarov: Sowing campaign completed by 91 percent in Tatarstan


On May 31, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic dedicated to the spring sowing campaign, Deputy Prime Minister of the republic – Tatarstan Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov said that to date the sowing campaign is completed by 91 percent in Tatarstan.

The speaker emphasized that the sowing of cereal crops is completed by 94 per cent. As many as 97 per cent of sugar beet, 76 per cent of corn, 92 per cent of sunflower and 83 and 67 per cent of rapeseed and potatoes with vegetables accordingly has been planted.

In 2022, the state will allocate over 13.3 billion roubles to support the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan, including 3.8 billion roubles from the federal budget and 9.5 billion roubles from the budget of the republic.

Zyabbarov added that the most significant support measures are subsidies for the purchase of mineral fertilizers, technical and technological modernization and livestock support.

Tatarstan President's Press Office. Using materials from Tatar-Inform Information Agency.