A programme of interaction between Russia and OIC countries in youth policy to be established in Tatarstan


On February 22, speaking at a meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, Tatarstan Minister of Youth Timur Suleymanov said that a long-term programme of cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIS) in the area of youth policy will be developed at the global youth summit in Kazan in May this year.

A document called "Kazan Action Plan” aimed at strengthening cooperation between Russia and the Islamic world will be developed at a global summit of youth ministers in May.

The official recognition of Kazan as the Youth Capital of the OIS will take place on March 15 in Moscow. Representatives of the city will be handed over a golden key to be brought to the capital of Tatarstan, then it will go on a tour to other cities of the republic, Suleymanov informed.

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov is expected to take part the ceremony of "inauguration" of Kazan as the Youth Capital of the OIC countries, where representatives of Bangladesh will give Kazan a golden key - a symbol of the corresponding status.

Kazan will create an art site dedicated to humanitarian values that are broadcast at the youth forum of the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to be held here. It is planned that it will be a sculpture, the project will be selected according to the results of the contest, the Minister said.

The site will appear in the historical centre of Kazan and will symbolize the multilateral cooperation of Tatarstan with the countries of the Islamic world, the minister concluded. In 2022 Kazan received the status of the Youth Capital of the OIC, thus several major events are planned in the capital of Tatarstan.

Tatar-Inform Information Agency