Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization of Public Administration, IT and Communications: More than 1 bn roubles will be allocated on development of wireless Internet connection at schools of the republic


Speaking at a briefing in the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Minister of Digitalization of Public Administration, IT and Communications Ayrat Khayrullin has said that more than 1bn roubles will be allocated on provision of wireless Internet access in schools of the republic.

He has said that Tatarstan is one of the first regions of Russia where all school facilities are connected to fiber-optic line internet. “However we can see that schools in the country regions do not have the wireless infrastructure”, the Minister said and added:” In 2022-2023 the republic will invest more than 1 bn roubles into the regional education infrastructure, Wi-Fi communications network engineering which will make it possible for every school teacher to make his subject more interesting”.

Khayrullin went on saying that every school-child will has his or her own digital profile on the “Digital education 2.0” platform under development, which will also help to lift the paper-work burden from  teachers as all document circulation will be online. Those digital profiles will give children access to the educational content and the platform will give more free time to teachers to pay more attention to the education process than to fill in in different curricula and repots, Khayrullin said.

He said that in the last two years as many as 3 527 rural libraries, First Aid Stations and other facilities got the internet connection in 305 villages of the republic by the “Digital Economy” project and will open huge possibilities for these settlements.

The work will be continued in 2022 as we are going to pay most attention to the rural areas to eliminate digital inequality, the Minister said.

The second direction of development of digitalization in Tatarstan is the GPON programme which is implemented by Tattelecom Communication Company. In 2021 as many as 50 thousand households joined the program in rural areas that also gave them fiber-optic Internet access, while the plan for the current year is to connect more than 100 thousand clients.

Khayrullin said in the current year more than 60 villages of Tatarstan with the population from 100 to 300 people will get 4-G communication lines while as of today there are 624 underpopulated settlements where there is such connection.

Speaking about new IT-park to be built in Kazan, the Minister said that it will create 3 000 jobs with 17bn roubles of revenues and paying 1.6bn roubles of taxes a year.

Tatarstan President's Press Office. Using information from “Tatar-Inform” Information Agency.