As many as 1.6 billion roubles to be allocated for summer recreational campaign in Tatarstan


On June 30, speaking at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, Deputy Prime Minister of the republic Leila Fazleeva said that a summer recreational campaign in residential camps starts on July 1 and to be held in compliance with all necessary safety measures in the threat of the spread of coronavirus.

Fazleeva emphasized that no institution is allowed to work without the instructions of regulatory authorities. Currently, 62 camps are allowed to operate. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, tent camps will operate later this year, in August. Preschool shifts were postponed to the autumn-winter period.

Head of Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Tatarstan (Rospotrebnadzor), Chief Sanitary Physician of the republic Marina Patyashina emphasized that staff recruitment to the camps will be held only after screening for antibodies to a new coronavirus infection no later than 72 hours before starting work in the camps. In case of detection of antibodies of immunoglobulin G class or the absence of antibodies, the worker will be admitted to work.

Tatarstan Minister of Youth Affairs Damir Fattakhov said that it is planned to allocate 1.6 billion roubles from the regional budget to finance the campaign in Tatarstan in 2020, which is 5 per cent more than last year.

Fattakhov emphasized that the organization of leisure and recreational activities for children and young people was one of the most important programmes in the republic.

As many as 65,800 children will have a rest in the residential camps and in the camps of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region and Crimea. Vouchers to summer camps will be provided to 13,200 children in difficult living situations. The recreation for over 1000 children with disabilities will be organized.

In 2020, as many as 1 billion 65 million roubles will be allocated for the implementation of the Summer for Children presidential programme. They will go to the repair and construction of ten children's health camps. As many as 10 children’s recreation camps will be overhauled and constructed.

IA Tatar Inform