Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin holds a board meeting of Tatspirtprom Distillery


On June 5, at the Government House of the republic, a regular board meeting of Tatspirtprom Distillery held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin discussed the issues on the approval of the budget for the current year and proposals for the nomination of candidates to the Board of Directors of the company and the Audit Commission.

The meeting participants decided to include Director General of Tatspirtprom Distillery Ruslan Maksudov to the Board of Directors.

They also discussed the achieved results of the company. Last year, the company produced 9.9 million decalitres of spirituous products.

Tatspirtprom increased sales of spirits by six per cent compared to the same period in 2018.

Speaking at the meeting, Maksudov announced forecasts of the company’s activities for the second half of 2020. Implementing the tasks set by the shareholders for the current year, Tatspirtprom reduced administrative expenses in the first quarter and continues to reduce the critical mark of the company's bank indebtedness. Currently, hearings among the senior managers of the company on the new development Strategy of the enterprise for 2021-2023 are being completed.

Tatspirtprom Distillery's Press Office