Aleksey Pesoshin attends the Rugby Premier League match in Kazan


On September 7, at the Tulpar Stadium in Kazan, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin visited the Rugby Premier League match between Strela Kazan rugby club and Kuban-2 rugby team as part of the quarter finals of the Championship of the Rugby Premier League.

The first game between the men's teams was held on the 31st of August in Krasnodar. The Strela team won with a score of 55:22.

At halftime in the game, an awarding ceremony of the Zilant women's rugby club, which became bronze medalists of the third round of the Federal Rugby League, was held. The Zilant women's rugby club was organized in March this year.

Pesoshin congratulated the representatives of the Kazan club on a significant result and wished them success in the upcoming tournaments.

Tatarstan President's Press Office, Bulat Nizamiev