On March 15, in Kazan, Head of the Main Department of State Expertise Igor Manylov held a regional meeting with participation of Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin on “Issues of conformity assessment of project documentation in the area of environmental protection, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The problem of technical documents on engineering and environmental investigations. Increasing interaction with federal and regional authorities”.
Opening the meeting, Manylov thanked Tatarstan for hospitality. He also noted that the republic is actively developing and that there is a lot to go for and to learn from.
According to Manylov, today the expertise is not only an active participant in the construction process, but also a bottleneck at the stage of investment planning of the project.
Every fifth project in Russia contains emergency approaches, in particular, from 10 to 20 percent of the projects submitted for state examination contain errors that can lead to accidents and every second project contains a huge number of errors, he said.
To date, as many as 14,900 projects are undergoing examination and about 100 projects are submitted by the State Expertise daily. According to Manylov, experts ensure annual savings of about 433 billion roubles on investment projects in construction.
Speaking at the meeting, Tatarstan Minister of Forestry Ravil Kuzyurov reported on “Construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities on the forest lands. Protection status of forests. The need to change the borders of forests with protection status during the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities, a ban on the placement of facilities. Reforestation. Documents and approvals necessary for the preparation of project documentation, taking into account recent changes in legislation”.
According to Kuzyurov, in Tatarstan, the main problem in designing forest-park or green zones is that designers turn to the department in the last design stage. In such cases, designers and investors usually have problems, because they do not know about the restrictions existing in the design area. The cadastral maps and plans often do not show the boundaries of forest areas, urban forests and green areas, and they can be specified only in requesting information from the Forest Registry. The law prohibits construction in forest areas and diminishing forests.
Pesoshin, in his turn, welcomed all participants of the regional meeting and thanked for timely raised issues. According to him, “The state expertise is an institution that has long been established and is aimed at ensuring the safety and lasting quality of construction facilities and the efficiency of capital investment”.