Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin: The Youth Government of the republic should become a venue for establishing a personnel reserve of all types of Tatarstan authorities


On September 21, in the Government House of the republic, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin held a regular meeting of the Coordinating Council on Ensuring Interaction between the Executive Authorities of the republic and the Regional Youth Government.

Chairman of the Youth Government of the republic Dina Gaizatullina reported on the results of the work of the relevant authority during the current year.

Over 30 projects with participation of more than 200,000 people were implemented on the results of the project activities with the participation of the Youth Government of the republic.

Gaizatullina noted that the work at the federal level has become important. During one year and a half, members of the Youth Government of the republic attracted grants amounted to 15 million roubles.

Reporting on the activities of the Youth Government in the ministries and departments of the republic, Tatarstan Minister of Youth Affairs Damir Fattakhov noted the importance of working with young people, especially in ensuring interaction between the regional executive authorities.

Pesoshin emphasized that the Youth Government of the republic should become a venue for establishing a personnel reserve of all types of Tatarstan authorities. He said that the implementation and coordination of the actions of the executive authorities and the Youth Government is entrusted to the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the republic.

At the end of the meeting, Pesoshin handed in awards, in particular, Letters of Gratitude of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic to the members of the Youth Government. 

Tatarstan President's Press Office, Elena Britvina.