On January 18, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a meeting of the regional State Committee on Tariffs, which summed up the results of work in 2017 and set tasks for 2018.
Making a keynote report at the meeting, Chairman of the regional State Committee on Tariffs Marat Zaripov said that in 2018 the raise of utility tariffs for residents of Tatarstan will not exceed 4.2 per cent.
Last year, the Committee approved more than 8,000 decisions concerning tariffs and almost 130,000 indicators of regional standards for payment of utility services.
He noted that according to the law the tariffs will change from the 1st of July this year. At the same time, their growth will be limited to the marginal index approved by the federal government. In 2018 this indicator will make 4.2 per cent for Tatarstan, Zaripov said.
Then, he reported in detail about the specific changes in tariffs for Tatarstan citizens.
"The republic is developing dynamically, increasing its tax base. This allows us to increase the expenditure part of the budget, especially in social areas. It would be impossible without the well-coordinated work of the authorities at all levels," Pesohin said speaking at the meeting.
He reminded that in terms of the main macroeconomic indicators the republic is among the leading regions of Russia. The regional gross product exceeded 2 trillion roubles in Tatarstan in 2017, which is the sixth place in the country. As compared to 2010, the figure has more than doubled, he added.
Pesoshin stressed that the level of tariffs significantly affects all spheres of the economy and social life. The regional authorities have the task to keep them at a competitive level as compared to the neighboring regions. Not only the tax burden, but the tariffs as well are important for investors, the Prime Minister noted.