On February 9, at a summary session of Tatarstan Ministry of Information and Communications in Innopolis, the Republic of Tatarstan, President of the republic Rustam Minnikhanov said that development of Innopolis, the future IT capital of Russia, is the main task of regional industry of information and communications.
Before the session Rustam Minnikhanov looked around the exhibition of latest digital solutions.
Minister of Information and Communications Roman Shaikhutdinov, who made the keynote report, informed that the gross income of the industry was more than 49 bln rubles in 2015 and is expected to make 52 bln rubles in 2016. He continued that 60 mln electronic services were rendered to citizens of the republic.
Speaking about the new city of Innopolis which officially opened with the participation of Chairman of Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev last summer, Roman Shaikhutdinov noted that most important infrastructure facilities, such as Popov administrative center, university buildings, medical center, kindergarten, eight houses, were put into operation. He added that 15 companies are now residents of Innopolis Special Economic Zone.
Rustam Minnikhanov noted that rendering of electronic services guarantees effective work of state and municipal authorities. He reminded that leadership of the country issued a challenge to provide access of 70 per cent of the population to electronic services by 2018. Another important issue is ensuring cyber security as there are a lot of big enterprises in the republic and information security is one of priority tasks.
According to the official data, there is a shortage of 1 mln IT specialists in Russia. Tatarstan President believes that other universities of the republic as well as Innopolis University must be involved in solving this problem.
Summing up, Rustam Minnikhanov thanked employees of the ministry for effective work.